Sermon Outline
- Only God has the power to create life
- God is the good creator
- God is the wise sustainer
- Only God has the right to take life
- Sin wrecked everything
- Our sin wrecks everything
- Anger as proof of our murderous hearts
- God's holy justice demands satisfaction
- Only God has the grace give life again
- Look to Jesus who loved and forgave
- Look to Jesus who was murdered to save murderers
1. Only God has the power to create life
1.1. God is the good creator
Genesis 1
1.2. God is the wise sustainer
Heb. 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
Col. 1:15-17 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
That is why God has the authority, right and duty to command us not to murder.
2. Only God has the right to take life
2.1. Sin wrecked everything
1Sam. 2:6 The LORD brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up.
Rom. 5:12, 14 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned... death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam.
Rom. 8:20, 22 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it... We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
Death, like an overflowing stream,
Sweeps us away; our life’s a dream,
An empty tale, a morning flow’r,
Cut down and withered in an hour.
Our age to sev’nty years is set;
How short the time! How frail the state!
And if to eighty we arrive,
We’d rather sigh and groan than live.
Teach us, Oh Lord, how frail is man;
And kindly lengthen out the span,
Till a wise care of piety
Fit us to die and dwell with Thee.
Isaac Watts, based on Psalm 91
2.2. Our sin wrecks everything
Gal. 5:19-21 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Matt. 5:21-22 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.
2.3. God's holy justice demands satisfaction
Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
3. Only God has the grace give life again
3.1. Look to Jesus who loved and forgave
Luke 23:33-43 When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
3.2. Look to Jesus who was murdered to save murderers
Matt. 27:38 Two robbers were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.
Greek for robbers = leœsteœs. a robber, a highwayman, a bandit, brigand, an insurrectionist, a terrorist.
Luke 23:39-43 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Why should we flinch and fear to die?
What tim’rous fools we mortals are!
Death is the gate to endless joy,
And yet we dread to enter there.
The pains, the groans, the dying strife,
Fright our approaching souls away;
And we shrink back again to life,
Fond of our prison and our clay.
Oh if my Lord would come and meet,
My soul would stretch her wings in haste,
Fly fearless through death’s iron gate,
Nor feel the terrors as she passed.
Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are;
While on His breast I lean my head,
And breathe my life out sweetly there.
Isaac Watts
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